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2010. 4. 26. 09:32

OCS 2007 R2 업데이트 Collaboration2010. 4. 26. 09:32

Posted by 커널64
2009. 8. 5. 14:11

Exchange Server 2007 Sizing Collaboration2009. 8. 5. 14:11

Exchange Server 2007 용량 산정 (사이징)

Mailbox Role
- Number of mailboxes
- Mailbox average size
- User profiles
- Security/auditing mechanisms
- Use of mobile devices (Blackberry included)
- Outlook mode (online/cached)
- Archiving/Messaging Record Management
- High Availability Model (CCR, LCR, SCR)
- Cache Warming

사용자 유형 카테고리

 User type

 Send / receive
 per day
 (50K messages)

 Database cache
 / user
 IOPS / user  Logs Generated
 / Mailbox
 Light  5 / 20  2MB  0.11  6
 Medium  10 / 40  3.5MB  0.18  12
 Heavy  20 / 80  5MB  0.32  14
 Very Heavy  30 / 120  5MB  0.48  36

1 processor core for every 1,000 light/medium user mailboxes
1 processor core for every 500 heavy user mailboxes
8 cores maximum

2GB + 2 ~ 5MB/mailbox (위 사용자 유형에 따라)
32GB maximum 권장 (32GB 이상은 비용 문제 발생)
최소 메모리는 다음 표와 같이 저장소 그룹의 개수에 따라 달라진다.

 Number of Storage Group  Exchange 2007 RTM  Exchange 2007 SP1
 1-4  2GB  2GB
 5-8  4GB  4GB
 9-12  6GB  5GB
 13-16  8GB  6GB
 17-20  10GB  7GB
 21-24  12GB  8GB


1 x Gbit minimum
With CCR use separate NICs for public and private networks

Use the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator.
또는 다음 항목 고려
- Balance I/O performance and Capacity
- Add 5% onto database LUN size for Content Indexing
- Add 10% onto database LUN size for Overhead / white space
- The default Deleted Items retention period (14 days) adds up to 30% in the database LUN
- Take SLA factors into account (database recovery time, backup window, etc.)
- Target for 100GB of maximum database size

HUB Transport Role
- Mail queue stored in JET database
- CCR (Transport Dumpster)
- Message rate
- Message tracking
- Average message size
- Number of enabled transport agents
- Antivirus and third-party applications
- Journaling

소규모 조직의 경우 1개 또는 2개의 코어 필요
중/대규모의 경우 다음 표 참고

   With A/V and A/S Without A/V and A/S 
 서버 당 권장 코어 수  8
 허브 전송 서버 : 사서함 서버 비율  1:5  1:7


2GB minimum, 16GB maximum
1GB per core
Large queue scenarios
- Per message overhead: 3KB
- Per recipient overhead: 1KB
Edgesync overhead (>tens of thousands of mail-enabled objects)
- 4K per mail-enabled object

디스크 용량 = 평균 메시지 크기 x 최대 큐
mail.que 파일과 로그 파일의 위치는 시스템 디스크와 분리 권장 (RAID 10)
LCR 또는 CCR 환경에서 Transport dumpster의 영향
- Capacity consumed by the transport dumpster =
number of storage groups x maximum transport dumpster size
Back Pressure:
- RTM: 최소 4GB 여유 공간
- SP1: 최소 500 MB 여유 공간

 Hub Transport I/O (steady state)  Transport Dumpster Enabled  Transport Dumpster Disabled
 Total IOPS/message (~40KB)  17  4
 Log Write IOPS/message (sequential)  7  2
 Database Write IOPS/message (random)  7  2
 Database Read IOPS/message (random)  3  0

Gbit Recommended

CAS Role
- Non-MAPI 클라이언트의 수 (CAS 서버에서 메시지 변환 작업 발생)
- OWA rendering
- Enabled services
> Outlook Anywhere
> Exchange ActiveSync
- Web services
> AutoDiscover
> Availability
- OAB distribution

Up to 4 cores
1 : 4 CAS : Mailbox cores

16GB Maximum

특별한 요구 사항 없음

Gbit recommended

Edge Transport Role
- Message rate
- Average message size
- Number of enabled transport agents
- A/V and A/S
- SMTP Connections
- Percentage of malware

2 processor cores recommended
Up to 4 cores

2GB minimum, 16GB maximum

Capacity = (average message size x maximum queue) + Logs
Transport rules and message rate influence the IOPS needed
Back Pressure:
- RTM: 최소 4GB 여유 공간
- SP1: 최소 500 MB 여유 공간

2 x Gbit recommended (1 in, 1 out)

Active Directory / Global Catalogs

   32-bit  64-bit
 GC : Mailbox server 코어 비율  1 : 4  1 : 8
 전체 Active Directory
 Database (NTDS.DIT)를 메모리에
 Cache 할 수 있을 만큼의 충분한
 메모리를 반드시 설치하여야 한다.
 1GC near XX users  Every 10,000 users  Every 20,000 users

Posted by 커널64
2009. 7. 13. 14:30

NDR 언어 변경 (Exchange 2007) Collaboration2009. 7. 13. 14:30

Set-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdParameter> -Languages  <languagecode>
예)Set-Mailbox -Identity administrator -Languages  ko-kr
Languages 매개 변수는 기본 설정 순서대로 이 사서함의 언어 기본 설정을 지정합니다.
해당 언어가 지원되는 경우 여러 Exchange 구성 요소에서 기본 설정 언어로 사서함 사용자에게 정보를 표시합니다.
이러한 구성 요소 중에는 할당량 메시지, NDR(배달 실패 보고서), Microsoft Outlook Web Access 사용자 인터페이스 및 UM(통합 메시징) 음성 안내가 포함됩니다.

참고 사이트 (MS Technet)

Posted by 커널64

Exchange 관리 셸을 사용하여 Outlook Web Access의 로그온 및 오류 언어 설정을 구성하려면 다음을 수행합니다.
Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "Owa (Default Web Site)" -LogonAndErrorLanguage <language code>

Exchange 관리 셸을 사용하여 Outlook Web Access 가상 디렉터리의 기본 클라이언트 언어 설정을 구성하려면 다음을 수행합니다.
Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "Owa (Default Web Site)" -DefaultClientLangugage <language code>

Exchange 관리 셸을 사용하여 개별 사서함의 클라이언트 언어 설정을 구성하려면 다음을 수행합니다.
Set-Mailbox –identity <mailbox identity> -languages <language code>

Posted by 커널64

I see a lot of memory related Exchange Server 2007 questions in the Exchange 2007 forum on the MSExchange.org boards, so this month my plan was to talk about what has changed in regards to memory utilization in Exchange Server 2007 compared to previous versions of Exchange Server. As most of you remember, because Exchange Server 2003 was based on 32-bit architecture, this version of Exchange Server was limited to using a maximum of 4GB of memory. Because Exchange Server 2007 is based on 64-bit architecture, this limitation is no longer there. In fact Exchange Server 2007 has much better memory utilization than Exchange Server 2003 had, and is capable of using 32 GB of memory and more. Personally, I have deployed Exchange 2007 Mailbox servers with 16 GB of memory installed, and I have seen Store.exe processes grow as large as to approximately 14 GB in size!
These memory utilization changes are excellent for large enterprise IT organizations, but several of the smaller organizations with a relatively small amount of mailbox-enabled users (between 10-30) and an Exchange 2007 Mailbox server with let us say 4 GB of memory often seem to experience problems with excessive memory utilization. Several Exchange administrators report that their Exchange 2007 Mailbox server uses more memory than the amount of physical memory installed in the server. This means that the server can become sluggish and unresponsive.
With Exchange Server 2003, the store process was bound to a certain memory cache limit. The upper bounds of this limit were typically set at around 900MB. With Exchange Server 2007 which uses 64-bit architecture, the limit on database cache size is no longer present. Currently, the default minimum cache size for Exchange 2007 is 512MB (for machines with at least 2GB RAM), and there is no maximum value set, which means that ESE (store.exe) will grow the cache to consume almost all available RAM on the server if there is no other memory pressure on the system. A larger database cache size typically results in greatly reduced disk I/O as reading information from memory is much faster than reading information from disk. If memory pressure occurs, that is other applications request/require memory, ESE will appropriately shrink the size of the database cache automatically.
Okay, I hear you say, that was a good explanation, but unfortunately this is not the behavior I experience in my environment. So, what can I do if my Exchange 2007 server is sluggish and unresponsive? Although generally not recommended by Microsoft, there is one thing you can do. You can set a limit on the ESE database memory cache. This is done by following the below steps:

Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall your Operating System. Neither MSExchange.org nor Microsoft can guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk!

· Start ADSI Edit by clicking Start > Run and typing ADSIEDIT.MSC
· Open the following object: Configuration > Services > Microsoft Exchange > Exchange organization > AdministrativeGroups > Your administrative group > Servers > Server name > Information Store
· Right-click the Information Store, and then click Properties.
· Under the list of Attributes, scroll down and select msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax

사용자 삽입 이미지

Click the Edit button, then type the number of 8 kilobyte (KB) pages that you want to set the maximum cache size to.
For example, 1GB cache equates to 1048576 (1024 * 1024). Divide the cache that you want to set by 8kb to determine the value to enter. In this case, 1048576 divided by 8 is 131072.
If you wanted to set the cache size to 16GB, the value would be 2097152 (16777216 divided by 8).

The msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax parameter controls the ESE buffer size. Its value is expressed as a page count, and must be set to an exact multiple of 8192 for maximum efficiency. If this value is not met, the cache size is rounded up to the next 32-MB boundary when virtual memory is allocated. If this value is incorrectly set, memory may be wasted.

Posted by 커널64

Exchange에서는 메시지 크기 제한 설정을 하는 부분이 3군데이다.
1. 사용자별 설정
2. Transport Config 설정
3. 송신 커넥터와 수신 커넥터에서 설정

기본적으로 새 계정을 만들게 되면 제한 설정은 제한 없는 상태이다.
그리고, Transport Config도 없는 상태이다.

세번째, 커넥터 쪽이 문제이다.
기본적으로 커넥터를 만들게 되면 기본 값이 10MB가 된다. (송수신 각각 10MB)
GUI 로 는 확인이 불가능하고, 수정 또한 불가능 하므로 Shell을 사용해야 한다.

Shell에서 아래와 같이 입력을 해 보면 현재 설정 값을 알 수 있다.
Get-SendConnector | Select identity, Maxmessagesize
Get-ReceiveConnector | Select identity, Maxmessagesize

10MB로 제한되어 있는 것이 확인된다면 아래와 같이 입력하여 설정값을 수정한다.

Set-SendConnector "커넥터 이름" -MaxMessageSize 용량
예)  Set-SendConnector "Connector Name" -MaxMessageSize 50MB

Set-ReceiveConnector "커넥터 이름" -MaxMessageSize 용량
예) Set-SendConnector "Connector Name" -MaxMessageSize 50MB

Edge 서버가 있을 경우 Edge 서버에서도 설정해 주어야 한다.


Posted by 커널64
2009. 7. 13. 14:10

NDR 언어 변경 (Exchange 2003) Collaboration2009. 7. 13. 14:10

=== Change NDR language ===
1. Stop SMTP service
2. Start -> Run -> cmd -> input following command
cscript.exe c:\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs set smtpsvc/smtpdsnlanguageid 1033
3. Start SMTP service
=== Languageid ===
English (United States) 1033
Japanese 1041
Chinese (PRC) 2052
Korean 1042
Hungary 1038
Albanian 1052
Croatian 1050
Bulgarian 1026
Russian 1049
German (Germany) 1031
Italian (Italy) 1040
Swahili 1089
참고 사이트
Posted by 커널64

사용자가 자동 로그인을 시도하면 다음과 같은 순서로 DNS를 쿼리한다.

1. _sipinternaltls._tcp.<domain> - 내부 TLS 연결(포트 : 5061)
2. _sipinternal._tcp.<domain> - 내부 TCP 연결(포트 : 5060)
3. _sip._tls.<domain> - 외부 TLS 연결(포트 : 443)
4. _sip._tcp.<domain> - 외부 TCP 연결(포트 : 443)

추가 기능에 대한 필요 서버

제공할 기능

추가할 서버 역할

사용 클라이언트

내부 사용자를 위한 IM과 상태정보 제공

추가 서버 없음

Communicator 2005/2007

On-premise Web Conferencing

Standard Edition:
추가 서버 없음

Enterprise Edition:
Web Conferencing Server
Web Components Server

Live Meeting 2007 client

Address Book Server

Standard Edition:
추가 서버 없음

Enterprise Edition:
Web Components Server

Archiving and Call Detail Records

Archiving and CDR Server

외부 사용자 접근

Access Edge Server
HTTP reverse proxy

Communicator 2005/2007


Public IM Connectivity(PIC)

외부사용자와의 Web conferencing

Web Conferencing Edge Server
HTTP reverse proxy

Live Meeting 2007 client

외부사용자와의 Audio/Video Conferencing

A/V Conferencing Edge Server

Live Meeting 2007 client

웹 브라우저 기반 클라이언트에 대한 IM과 상태정보 제공

Communicator Web Access Server

Communicator Web Access

Enterprise Voice

Mediation Server and basic media gateway
basic-hybrid media gateway
(Mediation Server + basic media gateway)
advanced media gateway
(Mediation server logic + gateway)

Communicator 2007
Office Communicator 2007 Phone


Edge 서버


Required to Support

Corresponding Internal Server Required


Access Edge Server

Public IM, Federation, 내부 사용자의 원격 접근 지원, 내부에서 외부로 Conference, Voice 기능을 위해 연결 지원

Office Communications Server 2007 server or pool and, optionally, a Director

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

Web Conferencing Edge Server

External Web conferencing

Web Conferencing Server

Persistent Shared Object Model (PSOM)

A/V Edge Server

A/V conferences with external users Point-to-point A/V calls with external users

A/V Conferencing Server

RTP/RTCP, Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT (STUN)/

Reverse Proxy

Group Expansion(배포그룹 확장) 주소록 파일 다운로드에 필요. 컨퍼런싱을 위한 회의 자료(ppt) 접근하기 위해 필요

Web server (IIS)


인증서 요구 사항


Server Role

Recommended CA

Subject Name/
Common Name



Standard Edition server

All server roles (which are collocated)

Enterprise CA.

FQDN of the Standard Edition Server

If you have multiple SIP domains and have enabled automatic client configuration, the certificate wizard detects and adds each supported SIP domain FQDNs. (The wizard detects any SIP domains you specified during setup and automatically adds them to the SAN)

Additionally, you must use the IIS administrative  snap-in to assign  the certificate used by the Web Component Server

Enterprise pool: consolidated

All server roles. Certificate configured on each Enterprise Edition Server

Enterprise  CA.

FQDN of the pool

For the Web Components Server role, the certificate must have the URL of the internal Web farm in the SN or SAN.

If you have multiple SIP domains and have enabled automatic client configuration, the wizard detects the SIP domains, adds them to the SAN, and then adds each supported SIP domain FQDN.

(The wizard detects any SIP domains you specified during setup and automatically adds them to the SAN)

For the Web Components Server role, the certificate must have the URL of the internal Web farm in the SAN (if the FQDN is different from the pool FQDN).

Certificate must be installed on each server in the pool.

Additionally, you must use the IIS administrative snap-in to assign the certificate used by the Web Component Server.

Enterprise pool: expanded

Front End

Enterprise CA

FQDN of the pool

If you have multiple SIP domains and have enabled automatic client configuration, add each supported SIP domain FQDN.

(The wizard detects any SIP domains you specified during setup and automatically adds them to the SAN)

Certificate must be installed on each server in the pool

Web Conferencing

Enterprise CA

FQDN of the pool


Certificate must be installed on each server in the pool

A/V Conferencing

Enterprise CA

FQDN of the pool


Certificate must be installed on each server in the pool

Web Components

Enterprise CA

FQDN of the VIP (virtual IP) of the load balancer used by the Web Components Server

SAN must contain the URL of the internal Web farm in the SAN (if the FQDN is different from the pool FQDN)

A certificate has to be configured in IIS on the all servers that are running the Web Component Services

Standard Edition


Enterprise CA

FQDN of Standard Edition Server

If you have multiple SIP domains and have enabled automatic client configuration and all clients use this Director for logon, add each supported SIP domain FQDN.

(The wizard detects any SIP domains you specified during setup and automatically adds them to the SAN)


Enterprise pool


Enterprise CA

FQDN of the pool

If you have multiple SIP domains and have enabled automatic client configuration and all clients use this Director for logon, add each supported SIP domain FQDN.


Array of Standard Edition Directors


Enterprise CA.

FQDN of the Director Server

FQDN of Director Server and the FQDN of the virtual IP (VIP) used by the array

If you have multiple SIP domains and have enabled automatic client configuration and all clients use this Director for logon, add each supported SIP domain FQDNs.

FQDN of the server is in the SUBJECT field

FQDN of the Director VIP and the FQDN of the server must be in the SUBJECT_ALT_NAME as DNS values

사용 포트

Component (Server role or client)




Front End Servers




Used by Standard Edition Servers and Enterprise pools for all internal SIP communications between servers and between servers and Office Communicator

Front End Servers



Communication from front-end servers to the Web farm FQDNs (the URLs used by Web Components)

Front End Servers



Communication between the focus (Office Communications Server component that manages conference state) and the conferencing servers

Front End Servers



Used when a load balancer is deployed, port 135 is used by the Front End Servers for WMI operations and moving users (a remote DCOM-based database operation)

Web Components 



HTTPS traffic to the pool URLs

Web Conferencing Server



HTTPS communications to Web Components Servers

Web Conferencing Server



HTTPS between the Web Conferencing Server and the Front End Server

Web Conferencing Server



Used to listen to direct PSOM connections from Live Meeting client

A/V Conferencing Server



Used for incoming SIP listening requests

A/V Conferencing Server

49152 – 65535 media port range


Port range used for media requests sent.

Reverse Proxy



Used for SIP/TLS communications from external users on both the internal and external firewalls for external user access

Access Edge Server



Used for SIP/MTLS communication for remote user access or federation.

Access Edge Server



Used for SIP/TLS communication for remote user access

Web Conferencing Edge Server



Used to listen for PSOM/MTLS communications from the Web Conferencing Server  on the internal interface of the Web Conferencing Edge Server

Web Conferencing Edge Server



Used for inbound communications for access of remote, anonymous and federated users to access internal Web conferences

A/V Edge Server



Used for STUN/TCP inbound and outbound media communications to allow external users to access media and A/V sessions

A/V Edge Server



Used for SIP/MTLS authentication of A/V users. Communications flow outbound through the internal firewall.

A/V Edge Server



Used for STUN/UDP inbound and outbound media communications

A/V Edge Server



Used for inbound and outbound media transfer through the external firewall.

Office Communicator



Used by Office Communicator for SIP communications internally

Office Communicator



Used by Office Communicator for SIP communications internally and for SIP/MTLS authentication of A/V users. Communications flow outbound through the internal firewall

Office Communicator



Used by Communicator clients connecting from outside the intranet for SIP communications

Office Communicator



Port range used for inbound and outbound media transfer through the external firewall.

Office Communicator



Port ranged used by Office Communicator for file transfer.

Live Meeting 2007 client



Used by Live Meeting 2007 clients connecting from outside the intranet for:

SIP traffic sent to the Access Edge Server

PSOM traffic sent to the Web Conferencing Edge Server

Live Meeting 2007 client



Used for outgoing PSOM traffic sent to the Web Conferencing Server

Live Meeting 2007 client



Used for SIP/TLS communication between Live Meeting and the Front End Servers or the Access Edge Server and for SIP/MTLS authentication of A/V users. Communications flow outbound through the internal firewall

Live Meeting 2007 client



Port range used for inbound and outbound media transfer through the external firewall

Live Meeting 2007 client



Port ranged used by Live Meeting for file transfer

Posted by 커널64
2009. 1. 21. 17:37

Outlook의 파라미터 (Outlook Command Line) Collaboration2009. 1. 21. 17:37

Outlook.exe /<Parameter>

/c messageclass
Creates a new item of the specified message class, works for any valid MAPI form.
For example:
/c ipm.activity creates a Journal entry
/c ipm.appointment creates an appointment
/c ipm.contact creates a contact
/c ipm.note creates an e-mail message
/c ipm.stickynote creates a note
/c ipm.task creates a task

Starts Outlook and deletes client-based rules. For non-Exchange users.

Sets Outlook 2003 Search Folders back to the default state (deletes custom Search Folders)

Cleans and regenerates free/busy information.

Removes invalid profile keys and recreates default registry keys where applicable.

Launches Outlook with a clean Personal Folders file (.pst)

Cleans and regenerates reminders.

Starts Outlook and deletes client- and server-based rules.

Deletes all Schedule+ data (free/busy, permissions, and .cal file) from the server.

Starts Outlook and deletes server-based rules. Used only with Exchange server accounts.

Restores default views.

Starts Outlook as if it were run for the first time.

/ImportPrf prffilename
Launches Outlook and opens/imports the defined MAPI profile (*.prf). If Outlook is already open, queues the profile to be imported on the next clean launch.

/Profile profilename
Loads the specified profile. If your profile name contains a space, enclose the profile name in quotation marks.

/ResetFolderNames  (시스템 폴더 이름 변경 - 받은 편지함(inbox) 등)
Resets the language of the default folders to the language of the Outlook client.

Restores missing folders for the default delivery location.

Rebuilds the Outlook Bar.

Rebuilds the new Outlook Control Bar in Outlook 2003.

Opens Outlook and displays the remote procedure call (RPC) connection status dialog.

Starts Outlook and forces a detection of new meeting requests in the Inbox, and then adds them to the calendar.

Posted by 커널64

Exchange Server 2003의 경우

받은 편지함




Exchange Server 2007의 경우

받은 편지함




(<UserSMTPAddress>를 지정하지 않으면 인증된 사용자의 기본 사서함이 열린다.)

Posted by 커널64