2013. 9. 3. 10:22
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V 기본 구성 스크립트 Virtualization2013. 9. 3. 10:22
Windows Server 2012 기반의 Hyper-V 인프라 구성 시 필요한 몇 가지 구성들을 '빼먹지 않고', 좀 더 '손 쉽게' 할 수 있도록 PowerShell 스크립트로 만들어 보았습니다. 기본적인 권장 구성과 역할 및 기능 설치, 네트워크 관련 설정들이 포함됩니다.
Function Essential
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 2"
Write-Host `n"------------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Essential Settings for Hyper-V --"
Write-Host "------------------------------------"`n
Write-Host "Checking Current Status ..."`n
Write-Host -NoNewline " - TCP Chimney Offload: "
$NetGlobalSettings = Get-NetOffloadGlobalSetting
If ($NetGlobalSettings.Chimney -eq "Enabled") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Enabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Disabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - User Access Control: "
$LUA = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
If ($LUA.EnableLUA -ne "0") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Enabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Disabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - IP Version 6 (IPv6): "
$IPv6 = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters"
If ($IPv6.DisabledComponents -ne "4294967295") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Enabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Disabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Remote Desktop Connection: "
$RDP = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server"
If ($RDP.fDenyTSConnections -ne "0") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Remote Desktop Network Level Authentication: "
$RDPSet = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp"
If ($RDPSet.UserAuthentication -ne "0") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Enabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Disabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Remote Server Management: "
$RemoteMgmt = Invoke-Expression -Command "Configure-SMRemoting.exe -GET"
If ($RemoteMgmt -like "*사용하지 않도록*") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Firewall Exception(Remote Desktop Connection): "
$FWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-28752"}
$FWState = 0
foreach ($Item in $FWRules)
If ($Item.Enabled -eq "False") {$FWState = 1}
If ($FWState -eq 1) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Firewall Exception(File and Printer Sharing): "
$FWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-28502"}
$FWState = 0
foreach ($Item in $FWRules)
If ($Item.Enabled -eq "False") {$FWState = 1}
If ($FWState -eq 1) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Firewall Exception(Windows Remote Management): "
$FWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-30267"}
$FWState = 0
foreach ($Item in $FWRules)
If ($Item.Enabled -eq "False") {$FWState = 1}
If ($FWState -eq 1) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Firewall Exception(Remote Service Management): "
$FWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-29502"}
$FWState = 0
foreach ($Item in $FWRules)
If ($Item.Enabled -eq "False") {$FWState = 1}
If ($FWState -eq 1) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Firewall Exception(COM+ Remote Management): "
$FWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@comres.dll,-3405"}
$FWState = 0
foreach ($Item in $FWRules)
If ($Item.Enabled -eq "False") {$FWState = 1}
If ($FWState -eq 1) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Firewall Exception(Remote Event Log Management): "
$FWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-29252"}
$FWState = 0
foreach ($Item in $FWRules)
If ($Item.Enabled -eq "False") {$FWState = 1}
If ($FWState -eq 1) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Firewall Exception(WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)): "
$FWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-34251"}
$FWState = 0
foreach ($Item in $FWRules)
If ($Item.Enabled -eq "False") {$FWState = 1}
If ($FWState -eq 1) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Disallow Client Printer Redirection: "
$PrinterMap = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services"
If ($PrinterMap.fDisableCpm -ne "1" -or $PrinterMap.fDisableCpm -eq $NULL) {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Disabled"`n}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Enabled"`n}
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Set All to Desired Configurations? "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Y]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewline ": "
$DesiredConfig = Read-Host
While ($DesiredConfig -ne "Y" -and $DesiredConfig -ne "N")
Switch ($DesiredConfig)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 3"
Write-Host `n`n"Disable TCP Chimney Offload"
Set-NetOffloadGlobalSetting -Chimney Disabled
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n"Turn Off User Access Control"
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" -Name EnableLUA -Value 0
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n"Disable IP Version 6 (IPv6)"
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters" -Name DisabledComponents -Value 4294967295
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n"Enable Remote Desktop Connection"
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" -Name fDenyTSConnections -Value 0
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n"Disable Remote Desktop Network Level Authentication"
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" -Name UserAuthentication -Value 0
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n"Enable Remote Server Management"
$RemoteMgmt = Invoke-Expression -Command "Configure-SMRemoting.exe -Enable"
$CommandLineStr = "winrm set winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts="+$([Char]34)+"*"+$([Char]34)+"}'"
$RemoteMgmt = Invoke-Expression -Command $CommandLineStr
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n"Configure Firewall Exceptions"
$TargetFWRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Where {$_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-28752" -or $_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-28502" -or $_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-30267" -or $_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-29502" -or $_.Group -eq "@comres.dll,-3405" -or $_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-29252" -or $_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-34251" -or $_.Group -eq "@FirewallAPI.dll,-29002"}
$TargetFWRules | Set-NetFirewallRule -Enabled True
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n"Disallow Client Printer Redirection"
Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Name fDisableCpm -Value 1
Write-Host " -> Completed!"
Write-Host `n`n"Press Any Key to Continue..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
Function WindowsFeatures
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 2"
Write-Host `n"----------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Windows Features for Hyper-V and Failover Clustering --"
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------------------"`n
Write-Host "Checking Current Status ..."`n
$WinFeatures = Get-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V, Failover-Clustering, Multipath-IO, Telnet-Client
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Hyper-V Role: "
$HV = $WinFeatures | Where {$_.Name -eq "Hyper-V"}
If ($HV.Installed -ne "True") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Not Installed"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Installed"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Failover Clustering: "
$WSFC = $WinFeatures | Where {$_.Name -eq "Failover-Clustering"}
If ($WSFC.Installed -ne "True") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Not Installed"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Installed"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Multipath IO: "
$MPIO = $WinFeatures | Where {$_.Name -eq "Multipath-IO"}
If ($MPIO.Installed -ne "True") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Not Installed"}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Installed"}
Write-Host -NoNewline " - Telnet Client: "
$TC = $WinFeatures | Where {$_.Name -eq "Telnet-Client"}
If ($TC.Installed -ne "True") {Write-Host -foregroundColor Red "Not Installed"`n}
Else {Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "Installed"`n}
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Install All Required Windows Features? "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Y]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewline ": "
$InstallWinFeatures = Read-Host
While ($InstallWinFeatures -ne "Y" -and $InstallWinFeatures -ne "N")
Switch ($InstallWinFeatures)
Add-WindowsFeature Telnet-Client,Failover-Clustering,Multipath-IO,Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools -Verbose
Write-Host `n`n`n"Completed. System would be required Reboot."
Write-Host `n"Press Any Key to Continue..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
Function VirtualNetworks
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 2"
Write-Host `n"-------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Physical and Virtual Network Configurations --"
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host `n"1) Rename Network Interfaces"
Write-Host `n"2) Manage Virtual Switches and Interfaces"
Write-Host `n"3) Configure IP Addresses (IPv4)"`n
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Select Task "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$PnVNetworkConfig = Read-Host
While ((!$PnVNetworkConfig -or $PnVNetworkConfig -eq 0) -and $PnVNetworkConfig -ne "Q")
If ($PnVNetworkConfig -eq "Q") {Break}
Switch ($PnVNetworkConfig)
Write-Host `n`n"Retrieving Data. Please Wait..."
$idx = 0
$tmpArr = @()
$NICs = Get-NetAdapter | Sort-Object -Property Name
$IPs = Get-NetIPAddress | Where {$_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4"}
foreach ($Item in $NICs)
$idxStr = [String]$idx+")"
$IfName = $Item.Name
$IfDesc = $Item.InterfaceDescription
$Speed = $Item.LinkSpeed
$Status = $Item.Status
$IPAddress = ""
$IfIPConfig = Get-NetIPInterface | Where {$_.InterfaceAlias -eq $IfName}
If ($IfIPConfig.Dhcp -eq "Enabled") {$IPAddress = "DHCP"}
ElseIf (! $IfIPConfig) {$IPAddress = "N/A"}
foreach ($Item1 in $IPs)
If ($Item1.InterfaceIndex -eq $Item.InterfaceIndex) {$IPAddress = $Item1.IPAddress+"/"+$Item1.PrefixLength}
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Index $idxStr
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $IfName
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Description $IfDesc
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "IP Address" $IPAddress
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Speed $Speed
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Status $Status
$tmpArr += $Output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 3"
Write-Host `n"-------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Rename Network Interfaces --"
Write-Host "-------------------------------"
$tmpArr | ft -AutoSize
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Select Interface "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$RenameNIC = Read-Host
While ((!$RenameNIC -or $RenameNIC -eq 0) -and $RenameNIC -ne "Q")
If ($RenameNIC -eq "Q") {Break}
$RenameNIC = [Int]$RenameNIC-1
$NewName = Read-Host `n`n"New Name for the Network Interface (Blank: Cancel)"
If (! $NewName) {Write-Host `n"Canceled."}
$NICs[$RenameNIC] | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $NewName
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
While ($True)
Write-Host `n`n"Retrieving Data. Please Wait..."
$idx = 0
$tmpArr = @()
$NICs = Get-NetAdapter
$VSW = Get-VMSwitch
If (! $VSW) {Write-Host `n`n"There is no Virtual Switch."`n`n}
foreach ($Item in $VSW)
$idxStr = [String]$idx+")"
$UpNIC = $NICs | Where {$_.InterfaceDescription -eq $Item.NetAdapterInterfaceDescription}
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Index $idxStr
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "Switch Name" $Item.Name
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "Switch Type" $Item.SwitchType
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "QoS Mode" $Item.BandwidthReservationMode
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "QoS Default Weight" $Item.DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "Default Bandwidth %" $Item.BandwidthPercentage
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "NIC Name" $UpNIC.Name
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "NIC Description" $UpNIC.InterfaceDescription
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "NIC Speed" $UpNIC.LinkSpeed
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "NIC Status" $UpNIC.Status
$tmpArr += $Output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 3"
Write-Host `n"--------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Manage Virtual Switches and Interfaces --"
Write-Host "--------------------------------------------"
$tmpArr | ft Index,"Switch Name","Switch Type","NIC Name","NIC Description","NIC Speed","NIC Status" -AutoSize
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Select Virtual Switch "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline ", Create "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "ew Virtual Switch or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$ManageVSWnIf = Read-Host
While ((!$ManageVSWnIf -or $ManageVSWnIf -eq 0) -and $ManageVSWnIf -ne "N" -and $ManageVSWnIf -ne "Q")
If ($ManageVSWnIf -eq "Q") {Break}
If ($ManageVSWnIf -eq "N")
Write-Host `n`n"Searching for Available Network Interfaces. Please Wait..."
$idx = 0
$tmpArr = @()
$IPs = Get-NetIPAddress | Where {$_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4"}
$HostNIC = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS
$NICs = Get-NetAdapterBinding | Where {$_.ComponentID -eq "ms_tcpip" -and $_.Enabled -eq "True"} | Get-NetAdapter | Sort-Object -Property Name
foreach ($Item in $NICs)
$isAvail = 1
foreach ($Item1 in $HostNIC)
$tmpMAC = $Item.MacAddress.Replace("-","")
If ($tmpMAC -eq $Item1.MacAddress) {$isAvail = 0}
If ($isAvail -eq 1)
$idxStr = [String]$idx+")"
$IPAddress = ""
foreach ($Item3 in $IPs)
If ($Item3.InterfaceIndex -eq $Item.InterfaceIndex) {$IPAddress = $Item3.IPAddress+"/"+$Item3.PrefixLength}
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Index $idxStr
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $Item.Name
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Description $Item.InterfaceDescription
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "IP Address" $IPAddress
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Speed $Item.LinkSpeed
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Status $Item.Status
$tmpArr += $Output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 4"
Write-Host `n"-------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Create New Virtual Switch --"
Write-Host "-------------------------------"
$tmpArr | ft -AutoSize
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Select Interface "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$CreateVSW = Read-Host
While ((!$CreateVSW -or $CreateVSW -eq 0) -and $CreateVSW -ne "Q")
If ($CreateVSW -eq "Q") {Break}
$CreateVSW = [Int]$CreateVSW-1
$NICName = $tmpArr[$CreateVSW].Name
$VSWName = Read-Host `n"New Virtual Switch Name (Blank: Cancel)"
If (! $VSWName)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host `n"Creating a New Virtual Switch. Please Wait..."
$CreateVWS = New-VMSwitch -Name $VSWName -NetAdapterName $NICName -AllowManagementOS $False -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight
$SetVSWBW = $CreateVWS | Set-VMSwitch -DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight 10
$CreateVWS = Get-VMSwitch -Name $VSWName
$CreateVWS | fl *
Write-Host `n"Creation Succeeded."
Write-Host `n"Press Any Key to Continue..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
While ($True)
If ($ManageVSWnIf -ne "N" -and $ManageVSWnIf -ne "Q")
$ManageVSWnIf = [Int]$ManageVSWnIf-1
$VSWName = $tmpArr[$ManageVSWnIf]."Switch Name"
$SelectedVSW = Get-VMSwitch | Where {$_.Name -eq $VSWName}
If (! $SelectedVSW) {Break}
Write-Host `n`n"Retrieving Data. Please Wait..."
$VSWType = $SelectedVSW.SwitchType
$VSWQoSMode = $SelectedVSW.BandwidthReservationMode
$VSWDefaultQoS = $SelectedVSW.DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight
$VSWDefaultPerc = $SelectedVSW.BandwidthPercentage
$VSWNICDesc = $SelectedVSW.NetAdapterInterfaceDescription
$VSWNIC = Get-NetAdapter | Where {$_.InterfaceDescription -eq $VSWNICDesc}
$VSWNICSpeed = $VSWNIC.LinkSpeed
$VSWNICStatus = $VSWNIC.Status
$vNIC = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $VSWName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$VSWvNIC = $vNIC.Count
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 4"
Write-Host `n"-----------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Selected Virtual Switch --"
Write-Host "-----------------------------"
Write-Host `n" - Name: "$VSWName
Write-Host `n" - Type: "$VSWType
Write-Host `n" - QoS Mode: "$VSWQoSMode
Write-Host `n" - QoS Default Weight: "$VSWDefaultQoS
Write-Host `n" - Default Bandwidth: "$VSWDefaultPerc" %"
Write-Host `n" - NIC Name: "$VSWNICName
Write-Host `n" - NIC Description: "$VSWNICDesc
Write-Host `n" - Link Speed: "$VSWNICSpeed
Write-Host `n" - Link Status: "$VSWNICStatus
Write-Host `n" - # of Management vNIC: "$VSWvNIC`n
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Re"
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "ame, "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[R]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "emove, "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[C]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "hange Default Weight or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[M]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "anage vNIC (Blank: Cancel): "
$VSWTask = Read-Host
While ($VSWTask -ne "N" -and $VSWTask -ne "R" -and $VSWTask -ne "M" -and $VSWTask -ne "C" -and $VSWTask -ne "")
If ($VSWTask -eq "")
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
Switch ($VSWTask)
$NewVSWName = Read-Host `n"New Virtual Switch Name"
If ($NewVSWName -ne "")
$SelectedVSW | Rename-VMSwitch -NewName $NewVSWName
$VSWName = $NewVSWName
Write-Host `n"Done."
Write-Host `n"Nothing Changed."
Start-Sleep 1
$VSWtoRemove = $SelectedVSW.Name
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Removing Virtual Switch "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Red $VSWtoRemove
Write-Host "."
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Are You Sure ? "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Y]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewline ": "
$AUSure = Read-Host
While ($AUSure -ne "Y" -and $AUSure -ne "N")
If ($AUSure -eq "Y")
Write-Host `n`n"Removing Virtual Switch. Please Wait..."
$SelectedVSW | Remove-VMSwitch -Force
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
$NewQoSValue = Read-Host `n"New Value of QoS Default Weight (1-100) (Blank: Cancel)"
If (! $NewQoSValue)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
$SelectedVSW | Set-VMSwitch -DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight $NewQoSValue
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
$SelSWName = $SelectedVSW.Name
Write-Host `n`n"Retrieving Data. Please Wait..."
$SelectedVSW = Get-VMSwitch | Where {$_.Name -eq $SelSWName}
If (! $SelectedVSW) {Break}
$IndexNum = 0
$tmpArr = @()
$VSWvNIC = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $SelSWName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach ($vNI in $VSWvNIC)
$IndexStr = [String]$IndexNum+")"
$VLANConfig = $vNI.VlanSetting
$BWConfig = $vNI.BandwidthSetting
$vNICName = $vNI.Name
$vNICVLANMode = $VLANConfig.OperationMode
$vNICAccessVLANID = $VLANConfig.AccessVlanId
$vNICMinBandWeight = $BWConfig.MinimumBandwidthWeight
$vNICBandPercentage = $vNI.BandwidthPercentage
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Index $IndexStr
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $vNICName
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "VLANMode" $vNICVLANMode
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "VLAN ID(Access)" $vNICAccessVLANID
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "MinimumBandwidthWeight" $vNICMinBandWeight
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "BandwidthPercentage" $vNICBandPercentage
$tmpArr += $Output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 5"
Write-Host `n"---------------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Manage Virtual Network Interfaces --"
Write-Host -NoNewLine "-- Selected Virtual Switch: "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $SelSWName
Write-Host "---------------------------------------"
If (! $VSWvNIC)
Write-Host `n"There is no Virtual Network Interface."
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Add New Virtual Network Interface? "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Y]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewline ": "
$AddvNIC = Read-Host
While ($AddvNIC -ne "Y" -and $AddvNIC -ne "N")
If ($AddvNIC -eq "Y")
$NewNICName = Read-Host `n`n"Interface Name (Blank: Cancel)"
If (! $NewNICName)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
$NewNICMinBand = Read-Host `n"Minimum Bandwidth Weight (0-100)"
$NewNICVlanID = Read-Host `n"VLAN ID (Blank: No VLAN)"
Write-Host `n`n"Creating Virtual Network Interface. Please Wait..."
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $NewNICName -SwitchName $SelSWName
Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $NewNICName -MinimumBandwidthWeight $NewNICMinBand
If ($NewNICVlanID)
{Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName $NewNICName -Access -VlanId $NewNICVlanID}
Else {Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName $NewNICName -Untagged}
Write-Host `n"Creation Succeeded."
Start-Sleep 1
Else {Break}
$tmpArr | ft -AutoSize
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline `n"[A]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "dd, "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[R]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "emove, "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[M]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "odify Interface or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$vNICTask = Read-Host
While ($vNICTask -ne "A" -and $vNICTask -ne "R" -and $vNICTask -ne "M" -and $vNICTask -ne "Q")
If ($vNICTask -eq "Q") {Break}
Switch ($vNICTask)
$NewNICName = Read-Host `n`n"Interface Name (Blank: Cancel)"
If (! $NewNICName)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
$NewNICMinBand = Read-Host `n"Minimum Bandwidth Weight (0-100)"
$NewNICVlanID = Read-Host `n"VLAN ID (Blank: No VLAN)"
Write-Host `n`n"Creating Virtual Network Interface. Please Wait..."
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $NewNICName -SwitchName $SelSWName
Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $NewNICName -MinimumBandwidthWeight $NewNICMinBand
If ($NewNICVlanID)
{Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName $NewNICName -Access -VlanId $NewNICVlanID}
Else {Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName $NewNICName -Untagged}
Write-Host `n"Creation Succeeded."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host -NoNewLine `n`n"Interface "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Yellow "[ID] "
Write-Host -NoNewLine "(Blank: Cancel): "
$vNICtoRemove = Read-Host
If ($vNICtoRemove)
$vNICtoRemove = [Int]$vNICtoRemove-1
$vNICtoRemoveName = $tmpArr[$vNICtoRemove].Name
Write-Host -NoNewLine `n"Removing Virtual Network Interface "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Red $vNICtoRemoveName
Write-Host "."
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Are You Sure ? "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Yellow "[Y]"
Write-Host -NoNewLine " or "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Yellow "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewLine ": "
$ConfirmRemovevNIC = Read-Host
While ($ConfirmRemovevNIC -ne "Y" -and $ConfirmRemovevNIC -ne "N")
If ($ConfirmRemovevNIC -eq "Y")
Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $vNICtoRemoveName
Write-Host `n"Removed."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host -NoNewLine `n`n"Interface "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Yellow "[ID] "
Write-Host -NoNewLine "(Blank: Cancel): "
$vNICtoModify = Read-Host
If ($vNICtoModify)
$vNICtoModify = [Int]$vNICtoModify-1
$vNICtoModifyName = $tmpArr[$vNICtoModify].Name
Write-Host -NoNewLine `n"Selected Interface is "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Green $vNICtoModifyName
Write-Host "."
Write-Host -NoNewLine `n"Modify "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Yellow "[V]"
Write-Host -NoNewLine "LAN or "
Write-Host -NoNewLine -foregroundColor Yellow "[B]"
Write-Host -NoNewLine "andwidth Weight: "
$vNICModifyTask = Read-Host
While ($vNICModifyTask -ne "V" -and $vNICModifyTask -ne "B")
Switch ($vNICModifyTask)
$NewVlanID = Read-Host `n"VLAN ID (Blank: No VLAN)"
Write-Host `n`n"Modifing Virtual Network Interface. Please Wait..."
If ($NewVlanID)
{Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName $vNICtoModifyName -Access -VlanId $NewVlanID}
Else {Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -ManagementOS -VMNetworkAdapterName $vNICtoModifyName -Untagged}
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
$NewBW = Read-Host `n"Minimum Bandwidth Weight (0-100)"
Write-Host `n`n"Modifing Virtual Network Interface. Please Wait..."
Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $vNICtoModifyName -MinimumBandwidthWeight $NewBW
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
While ($True)
While ($True)
If (! $VSW)
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Create New Virtual Switch? "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Y]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[N]"
Write-Host -NoNewline ": "
$CreateNewVSW = Read-Host
While ($CreateNewVSW -ne "Y" -and $CreateNewVSW -ne "N")
If ($CreateNewVSW -eq "N") {Break}
Write-Host `n`n"Searching for Available Network Interfaces. Please Wait..."
$idx = 0
$tmpArr = @()
$IPs = Get-NetIPAddress | Where {$_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4"}
$HostNIC = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS
$NICs = Get-NetAdapterBinding | Where {$_.ComponentID -eq "ms_tcpip" -and $_.Enabled -eq "True"} | Get-NetAdapter | Sort-Object -Property Name
foreach ($Item in $NICs)
$isAvail = 1
foreach ($Item1 in $HostNIC)
$tmpMAC = $Item.MacAddress.Replace("-","")
If ($tmpMAC -eq $Item1.MacAddress)
$isAvail = 0
If ($isAvail -eq 1)
$idxStr = [String]$idx+")"
$IPAddress = ""
foreach ($Item3 in $IPs)
If ($Item3.InterfaceIndex -eq $Item.InterfaceIndex) {$IPAddress = $Item3.IPAddress+"/"+$Item3.PrefixLength}
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Index $idxStr
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $Item.Name
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Description $Item.InterfaceDescription
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "IP Address" $IPAddress
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Speed $Item.LinkSpeed
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Status $Item.Status
$tmpArr += $Output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 4"
Write-Host `n"-------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Create New Virtual Switch --"
Write-Host "-------------------------------"
$tmpArr | ft -AutoSize
Write-Host -NoNewline "Select Interface "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$CreateNewVSNIC = Read-Host
While ((!$CreateNewVSNIC -or $CreateNewVSNIC -eq 0) -and $CreateNewVSNIC -ne "Q")
If ($CreateNewVSNIC -eq "Q") {Break}
$CreateNewVSNIC = [Int]$CreateNewVSNIC-1
$NICName = $tmpArr[$CreateNewVSNIC].Name
$VSWName = Read-Host `n"New Virtual Switch Name (Blank: Cancel)"
If (! $VSWName)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host `n"Creating a New Virtual Switch. Please Wait..."
$CreateVWS = New-VMSwitch -Name $VSWName -NetAdapterName $NICName -AllowManagementOS $False -MinimumBandwidthMode Weight
$SetVSWBW = $CreateVWS | Set-VMSwitch -DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight 10
$CreateVWS = Get-VMSwitch -Name $VSWName
$CreateVWS | fl *
Write-Host `n"Creation Succeeded."
Write-Host `n"Press Any Key to Continue..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
While ($True)
While ($True)
Write-Host `n`n"Retrieving Data. Please Wait..."
$idx = 0
$tmpArr = @()
$NICs = Get-NetAdapterBinding | Where {$_.ComponentID -eq "ms_tcpip" -and $_.Enabled -eq "True"} | Get-NetAdapter | Sort-Object -Property Name
$IPs = Get-NetIPAddress | Where {$_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4"}
foreach ($Item in $NICs)
$idxStr = [String]$idx+")"
$IfName = $Item.Name
$IfDesc = $Item.InterfaceDescription
$Speed = $Item.LinkSpeed
$Status = $Item.Status
$IPAddress = ""
$IfIPConfig = Get-NetIPInterface | Where {$_.InterfaceAlias -eq $IfName}
If ($IfIPConfig.Dhcp -eq "Enabled") {$IPAddress = "DHCP"}
ElseIf (! $IfIPConfig) {$IPAddress = "N/A"}
foreach ($Item1 in $IPs)
If ($Item1.InterfaceIndex -eq $Item.InterfaceIndex) {$IPAddress = $Item1.IPAddress+"/"+$Item1.PrefixLength}
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Index $idxStr
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $IfName
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Description $IfDesc
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty "IP Address" $IPAddress
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Speed $Speed
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Status $Status
$tmpArr += $Output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 3"
Write-Host `n"-----------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Configure IP Addresses (IPv4) --"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------"
$tmpArr | ft -AutoSize
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Select Interface "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$ConfigIP4NIC = Read-Host
While ((!$ConfigIP4NIC -or $ConfigIP4NIC -eq 0) -and $ConfigIP4NIC -ne "Q")
If ($ConfigIP4NIC -eq "Q") {Break}
$ConfigIP4NIC = [Int]$ConfigIP4NIC-1
$NIC = $NICs[$ConfigIP4NIC]
$IfName = $NIC.Name
$IfDesc = $NIC.InterfaceDescription
$Speed = $NIC.LinkSpeed
$Status = $NIC.Status
$DNS = $NIC | Get-DnsClientServerAddress -AddressFamily IPv4
$DNS = [String]$DNS.ServerAddresses
$IPAddress = ""
$IfIPConfig = Get-NetIPInterface | Where {$_.InterfaceAlias -eq $IfName}
If ($IfIPConfig.Dhcp -eq "Enabled") {$IPAddress = "DHCP"}
ElseIf (! $IfIPConfig) {$IPAddress = "N/A"}
foreach ($Item1 in $IPs)
If ($Item1.InterfaceIndex -eq $NIC.InterfaceIndex) {$IPAddress = $Item1.IPAddress+"/"+$Item1.PrefixLength}
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 4"
Write-Host `n"------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Selected Interface --"
Write-Host "------------------------"
Write-Host `n" - Name: "$IfName
Write-Host `n" - Description: "$IfDesc
Write-Host `n" - IP Address: "$IPAddress
Write-Host `n" - DNS Servers: "$DNS
Write-Host `n" - Speed: "$Speed
Write-Host `n" - Status: "$Status`n
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline `n"[D]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "HCP or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[S]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "tatic (Blank: Cancel): "
$IPType = Read-Host
While ($IPType -ne "D" -and $IPType -ne "S" -and $IPType -ne "")
If (! $IPType)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
ElseIf ($IPType -eq "D")
$NIC | Remove-NetIPAddress -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$NIC | Remove-NetRoute -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$NIC | Set-NetIPInterface -Dhcp Enabled
$NIC | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ResetServerAddresses
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
$IP = Read-Host `n"New IP Address (Blank: Cancel)"
If (! $IP)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
$ArrIP = $IP.Split(".")
$IPClass = [int]$ArrIP[0]
If ($IPClass -ge 0 -and $IPClass -le 127) {$DefaultSubnet = ""}
ElseIf ($IPClass -ge 128 -and $IPClass -le 191) {$DefaultSubnet = ""}
ElseIf ($IPClass -ge 192 -and $IPClass -le 224) {$DefaultSubnet = ""}
Else {$DefaultSubnet = ""}
$Mask = Read-Host `n"Subnet Mask (Default: "$DefaultSubnet")"
If (! $Mask) {$Mask = $DefaultSubnet}
$GW = Read-Host `n"Default Gateway (Optional)"
$ArrMask = $Mask.Split(".")
$PrefixLen = ""
foreach ($MaskItem in $ArrMask)
$tmpPrefix = [Convert]::ToString([int32]$MaskItem,2)
$PrefixLen = $PrefixLen + $tmpPrefix
$PrefixLen = $PrefixLen.Replace("0","")
$PrefixLen = $PrefixLen.Length
$NIC | Remove-NetIPAddress -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$NIC | Remove-NetRoute -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$NIC | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ResetServerAddresses
If (! $GW) {$tmp = $NIC | New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IP -PrefixLength $PrefixLen}
Else {$tmp = $NIC | New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IP -PrefixLength $PrefixLen -DefaultGateway $GW}
Write-Host `n"Done."`n
Start-Sleep 1
$DNSIP1 = Read-Host `n"Primary DNS Server IP Address (Optional)"
If (! $DNSIP1) {Break}
$DNSIP2 = Read-Host `n"Secondary DNS Server IP Address (Optional)"
If (! $DNSIP2) {$NIC | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses $DNSIP1}
Else {$NIC | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses $DNSIP1,$DNSIP2}
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
While ($True)
While ($True)
While ($True)
Function JumboFrame
Write-Host `n`n"Retrieving Data. Please Wait..."
$NICs = Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty | Where {$_.RegistryKeyword -like "*JumboPacket"} | Sort-Object -Property Name
$idx = 0
$tmpArr = @()
foreach ($Item in $NICs)
$idxStr = [String]$idx+")"
$Interface = $Item | Get-NetAdapter
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Index $idxStr
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $Item.Name
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Description $Interface.InterfaceDescription
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty SetValue $Item.DisplayValue
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Speed $Interface.LinkSpeed
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Status $Interface.Status
$tmpArr += $Output
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 2"
Write-Host `n"--------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Network Interface Jumbo Frame Settings --"
Write-Host "--------------------------------------------"
$tmpArr| ft -AutoSize
Write-Host -NoNewline `n"Select Interface "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline ", Ping "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[T]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "est or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$NICJumboSet = Read-Host
While (!$NICJumboSet)
If ($NICJumboSet -eq "T")
$tmpTargetIP = Read-Host `n`n"Target IP Address (Blank: Cancel)"
If (!$tmpTargetIP)
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
$PingCmd = "Ping -f -l 8000 "+$tmpTargetIP
Invoke-Expression -Command $PingCmd
Write-Host `n`n"Press Any Key to Continue..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
If ($NICJumboSet -eq "Q") {Break}
$NICJumboSet = [Int]$NICJumboSet-1
If ($Error) {$Error.Clear()}
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 3"
Write-Host `n"------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Selected Interface --"
Write-Host "------------------------"
$Interface = $NICs[$NICJumboSet] | Get-NetAdapter
$tmpArr = @()
$Output = New-Object PSObject
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $NICs[$NICJumboSet].Name
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty Description $Interface.InterfaceDescription
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty ConfigName $NICs[$NICJumboSet].DisplayName
$Output | Add-Member Noteproperty SetValue $NICs[$NICJumboSet].DisplayValue
$tmpArr += $Output
$tmpArr| ft -AutoSize
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline `n"[E]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "nable or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[D]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "isable Jumbo Frame (Blank: Cancel): "
$EnableJumbo = Read-Host
While ($EnableJumbo -ne "E" -and $EnableJumbo -ne "D" -and $EnableJumbo -ne "")
Switch ($EnableJumbo)
If ($NICs[$NICJumboSet].DisplayParameterType -eq 1)
$NICs[$NICJumboSet] | Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -RegistryKeyword "*JumboPacket" -Registryvalue 9000
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
ElseIf ($NICs[$NICJumboSet].DisplayParameterType -eq 5)
$NICs[$NICJumboSet] | Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -RegistryKeyword "*JumboPacket" -Registryvalue 9014
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
If ($NICs[$NICJumboSet].DisplayParameterType -eq 1)
$NICs[$NICJumboSet] | Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -RegistryKeyword "*JumboPacket" -Registryvalue 1500
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
ElseIf ($NICs[$NICJumboSet].DisplayParameterType -eq 5)
$NICs[$NICJumboSet] | Set-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty -RegistryKeyword "*JumboPacket" -Registryvalue 1514
Write-Host `n"Done."
Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host `n"Canceled."
Start-Sleep 1
While ($True)
#------------------- Script Main -------------------#
$UI = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$UI.BackgroundColor = "Black"
$UI.ForegroundColor = "White"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen "Phase - 1"
Write-Host `n"------------------------------------"
Write-Host "-- Hyper-V Initial Configurations --"
Write-Host "------------------------------------"
Write-Host `n"1) Essential Settings for Hyper-V"
Write-Host `n"2) Windows Features for Hyper-V and Failover Clustering"
Write-Host `n"3) Physical and Virtual Network Configurations"
Write-Host `n"4) Network Interface Jumbo Frame Settings"
Write-Host -NoNewline `n`n"Select Task "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[ID]"
Write-Host -NoNewline " or "
Write-Host -foregroundColor Yellow -NoNewline "[Q]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "uit: "
$FunctionID = Read-Host
While ((!$FunctionID -or $FunctionID -eq 0 -or $FunctionID -gt 4) -and $FunctionID -ne "Q")
Switch ($FunctionID)
"1" {Essential}
"2" {WindowsFeatures}
"3" {VirtualNetworks}
"4" {JumboFrame}
"Q" {
Write-Host `n`n"Script Ended."`n`n
Exit 0
While ($True)